Friday, July 24, 2015

RCSAndroid Hacking Tool Free Download

RCSAndroid (Remote Control System Android) is a hacking tool developed and used by the Hacking Team, a Italian spyware company. RCSAndroid , which was sold by the company as a tool for monitoring targets. The recent cyber attack on the hacking team lets hackers to leaked a 400gb of data's online. That Hacking Team's leaked data contains a source code of a Android Hacking tool which have a capability of infecting all Android based devices even users are running latest version of the Android.

Download RCSAndroid

Feature of RCSAndroid Android hacking tool
  • As this is one of the ever seen sophisticated hacking tool, RCSAndroid have a great powerful features which help government and law enforcement agencies around the world to completely compromise and monitor Android devices remotely.
  • Capture screenshots using the “screencap” command and framebuffer direct reading
  • Monitor clipboard content
  • Collect passwords for Wi-Fi networks and online acco;.unts, including Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Google, WhatsApp, Mail, and LinkedIn
  • Record using the microphone
  • Collect SMS, MMS, and Gmail messages
  • Record location
  • Gather device information
  • Capture photos using the front and back cameras
  • Collect contacts and decode messages from IM accounts, including Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, Line, WeChat, Hangouts, Telegram, and BlackBerry Messenger.
  • Capture real-time voice calls in any network or app by hooking into the “mediaserver” system service.
How RCSAndroid hacking tool works?
  • Hack android devices by using a text message or email which contains a specially crafted URL that triggered exploits for several vulnerabilities (CVE-2012-2825) and (CVE-2012-2871) in the default browsers of Android versions 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich to 4.3 Jelly Bean, allowing the attacker to gain root privileges, and install the RCSAndroid APK.
  • OR use a stealthy backdoor app such as BeNews, which was especially designed to bypass Google Play, that exploit local privilege vulnerability in Android devices to root the device and install a shell backdoor.


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